Stewart Vickers SEO Jesus

Download 3000+ Coaching SEO Keywords Now And Start Attracting Your DREAM Clients For FREE

What The Hell Is This?

Most coaches and cosultants rely on outbound methods of marketing – turning up at conferences, posting on social media and negotiating referral partnerships with other coaches.

Every one of these is a grind that distracts you from your Genius Work of delivering great results for your clients.

The best coaches and consultants have great clients come to them.

Even if they don’t have a big name.


They build an Evergreen Empire and show up for the potential clients who are already searching for them.

You’ve probably already heard of SEO before, but most business owners make the mistake of thinking SEO is like a magic dust they apply to their finished website.

That’s usually because web developers and other agencies have used the mysticism of SEO as a sales feature without really understanding it.

In reality, SEO is really quite simple: you just have to know what your audience is already searching.

If you’re a mindset coach you want to show up for people searching for mindset coaching.

To do that, you want Google to rank you top. While the details of that can seem complex, the fundamentals are quite simple. You want to write a page of content that comprehensively addresses the search term “mindset coaching”.

And related searches like “mindset coach cost” and “best mindset coach”.

Whatever your niche, you want to start by finding out what searches people are making.

This overview of more than 3000 coaching keywords is your starting point.


best seo keywords for coaching

The world of coaching is expanding rapidly, with diverse niches from life coaching to health coaching and everything in between. Whether you’re a life coach, health coach, or a business and marketing coach, visibility on search engines is paramount to attracting ideal clients. In this blog post, we’ll explore the best SEO keywords for coaching and how to implement them for success.

1. Understanding the Importance of SEO for Coaches

a. SEO – Beyond Just Visibility

Search engine optimization, often abbreviated as SEO, is the process of improving a website’s visibility on search engines. For a coaching business, good SEO means that potential coaching clients can easily find your coaching services when they type relevant keywords into Google search or other search engines.

b. SEO Keywords: The Backbone of Search

SEO keywords are phrases or words that people use in search engines to find content. When you integrate these keywords into your coaching website, it signals to search engines that your site is a relevant match. For instance, if you’re a life coach, including keywords such as “life coach in New York” or “best life coaching services” can enhance your visibility.

2. How to Identify the Best SEO Keywords for Coaching

a. Utilize Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research is the foundation of any SEO strategy. Using SEO tools like Google Ads or other keyword search tools, you can find keywords that can identify high search volume terms related to your coaching niche. These tools offer suggestions, search volume metrics, and even the competition surrounding each keyword phrase.

b. Understand Search Intent

Not all SEO keywords are created equal. It’s crucial to understand the intent behind a search term. For instance, someone searching for “life coaching techniques” might be looking for coaching blog posts or resources, while keyword search tool “life coach near me” indicates a readiness to hire.

c. Prioritize High-Quality Content

While keywords are crucial, they should be integrated naturally into high-quality content. Whether you’re researching keywords or crafting content for your coaching services page, coaching blog posts, or meta description, ensure that it offers value to website visitors.

d. On-Page SEO Techniques

Apart from integrating keywords into your website content, consider other on-page SEO techniques. This includes optimizing meta titles, internal links, and ensuring each web page has a unique focus keyword.

3. Diversify Your SEO Strategy

a. Think Beyond Google

While Google dominates the search engine space, don’t neglect other search engines. Ensure that your SEO strategy accounts for variations in algorithm and user behavior across different platforms.

b. Integrate Local SEO

If you offer coaching services in a specific region or city, local SEO is invaluable. This might involve creating content about local events or trends in your field, optimizing your contact page with location-specific terms, or even leveraging Google Analytics to understand local website traffic.

c. Off-Page SEO and Link Building

Quality external links pointing to your site can enhance its authority and SEO value. Consider guest posting on reputable sites, building relationships with other coaches, or leveraging social media accounts to generate high-quality links.

4. Consider Paid Advertising for Immediate Results

While SEO is a long-term strategy, platforms like Google Ads offer paid advertising options to boost immediate visibility. This can be especially beneficial when launching new coaching services or targeting competitive keywords.

Ready to skyrocket your coaching business’s online presence? Click the button to download my coach SEO keywords now!

5. Exploring Niches: Tailored SEO for Different Coaching Types

a. Business Coaching Keywords

Business coaching is a broad niche. As a business coach, your SEO keywords should be tailored to cater to diverse business needs. Common terms might include “entrepreneurial coaching,” “SME business coach,” or “strategic business mentor.” Remember to combine these secondary keywords with local search terms if you’re targeting a specific region.

b. Life Coaching and Health Coaching

Life coaches and health coaches often cater to personal development and well-being. Integrating terms such as “holistic health coaching,” “personal transformation life coach,” or “wellness and life balance” can tap into the exact needs of potential clients.

c. SEO for Life Coaches vs. Health Coaches

While there might be some overlap, it’s important to distinguish between SEO for life coaches and health coaching. For instance, health coaching might include more specific terms related to diet, fitness, or mental health, while life coaching focuses on broader personal development themes.

6. Enhancing Your Digital Footprint

a. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Don’t underestimate the power of social media marketing in enhancing your SEO. Platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can serve as supplementary channels to direct traffic to your coaching website. Regularly share your blog posts, updates, and engage with potential clients to enhance your brand presence.

b. Digital Marketing and SEO

Digital marketing strategies, from email campaigns to webinars, can support your SEO efforts. By driving more traffic to your site, these strategies not only increase visibility but also boost the chances of search engines ranking your site higher.

7. Deep Dive into Advanced SEO Techniques

a. Internal Links and External Links

Both internal links (links that go to other parts of your own website) and external links (links from other websites) are crucial for SEO. Ensure your internal linking strategy helps visitors navigate your site easily, while external links should come from reputable sources related to your niche.

b. Focus on Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions play a pivotal role in attracting clicks from search results. They provide a brief summary of what the page is about. A compelling meta description with relevant keywords can improve click-through rates.

c. Off-Page SEO Matters

Apart from on-page SEO techniques, off-page SEO like guest posting, link building, and engaging on social media sites can significantly boost your coaching website’s authority and search engine ranking.

8. Track, Analyze, Refine

a. Google Analytics and SEO Tools

To know if your SEO strategies are working, utilize tools like Google Analytics. These tools provide insights into website visitors, search terms they used, and which pages they visited, allowing you to refine your approach accordingly.

b. Continual Keyword Research

The digital landscape is ever-evolving. Regular keyword research ensures you stay updated with the latest trends and demands in your coaching business or niche. Using free tools and SEO keyword research methodologies, always stay a step ahead.

Call to Action: Want to get the most out of your coaching website? Dive deep into the world of SEO. Click the button to download my coach SEO keywords!

Best SEO Keywords for Coaching: A Comprehensive Guide (Part 3)

9. Long Tail vs. Short Tail: Which is Right for Your Coaching Business?

a. The Value of Long Tail Keywords

Long tail SEO keywords, typically longer and more specific, often have lower search volume but can be incredibly targeted. For instance, instead of just “business coach,” a keyword phrase, like “small business growth coach in Seattle” pinpoints an exact service and location, catering to a specific group of ideal clients.

b. Short Tail Keywords for Broader Reach

Short tail keywords, such as “life coach” or “health coach”, have a high search volume. While they’re more competitive, ranking for these can provide massive visibility. Balancing both short and long tail keywords in your SEO strategy is crucial.

10. Content Creation: The Heart of SEO

a. Why Quality Beats Quantity

While it’s essential to create content regularly, prioritizing high-quality content that provides real value to your coaching clients will always win in SEO. Whether it’s articles about coaching techniques, or advice on business strategies, ensure it resonates with your target audience.

b. Incorporating SEO in Blog Posts

Every blog post is an opportunity to target a specific set of SEO keywords. For instance, if you’re writing about the benefits of life coaching, naturally weave in related keywords. This not only improves visibility but also makes the blog post more relevant to search queries.

11. Technical SEO: Behind-the-Scenes Optimization

a. Page URL and Alt Tags

Ensure your web page URLs are clear and descriptive. For images, always include an alt tag that describes the image’s content, integrating your target keywords when appropriate.

b. Mobile Optimization and Page Load Speeds

With a significant number of users accessing sites via mobile, ensuring your coaching website is mobile-friendly is a must. Moreover, faster loading pages improve user experience and are favored by search engines.

12. Staying Ahead: The Dynamic World of SEO

a. Keep Up with SEO Trends

The world of search engine optimization is always evolving. Regularly updating your knowledge, attending workshops, or even considering SEO coaching can keep you at the forefront of the search engine optimization game.

b. The Role of Continuous Learning

SEO for coaches is not a one-time task. As algorithms change and new keyword ideas and trends emerge, continuous learning and adaptation are key. Subscribe to digital marketing blogs, use the latest SEO tools, and always be prepared to tweak your strategy.

Call to Action: Want a competitive edge in the coaching industry? Harness the power of SEO. Click the button to download my exclusive coach SEO keywords list!

13. Capitalizing on External Opportunities

a. Guest Posting for SEO Value

Guest posting on reputable sites related to coaching or personal development can boost your site’s authority. Not only does it drive traffic, but it also provides valuable backlinks, essential for off-page SEO. While crafting guest posts, ensure your content is relevant and integrates your target keywords effectively.

b. Social Media Accounts and Engagement

Building a solid online presence across social media accounts can complement your SEO efforts. By sharing your coaching blog posts, insights, and interacting with potential coaching clients, you can drive more organic traffic to your coaching website.

14. Making the Most of Paid Strategies

a. Google Ads for Immediate Visibility

While organic SEO is a long-term game, platforms like Google Ads offer immediate visibility. By targeting your best SEO keywords for coaching, paid advertising can be a great way to quickly reach potential clients.

b. Paid Social Media Marketing

Promoted content on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, targeting your coaching services, can amplify reach. Pair this and create content with relevant keywords and compelling content to get the best results.

15. Perfecting the User Experience

a. Contact Page and Navigation

An easily accessible contact page ensures potential clients can reach out hassle-free. Meanwhile, smooth navigation throughout your coaching website, aided by internal links, enhances user experience, and keeps website visitors engaged.

b. Implementing On-Page and Off-Page SEO

On-page SEO, like meta title optimization and relevant keyword usage, combined with off-page SEO strategies such as link building and guest posting, can significantly improve your site’s ranking and visibility.

16. Final Takeaways

  • Always prioritize the needs of your coaching clients in your SEO strategy.

  • Regularly update your keyword research, adapting to the dynamic nature of search trends.

  • Balancing technical aspects, content creation, and user experience is the key to successful SEO for coaches.

Call to Action: Elevate your coaching business with the power of SEO! Don’t miss out; click the button to download my expert list of coach SEO keywords.


Decoding the Keyword Metrics: Practical Insights

Understanding keyword metrics is crucial for informed SEO decisions. By diving into real-life examples, we can gain a clearer picture:

a. Confidence Coach

  • Keyword Difficulty (KD): 12 – Indicates the competitiveness of the keyword. A KD of 12 suggests it’s relatively easy to rank for.

  • Volume: 1.0K – Approximately 1,000 monthly searches.

  • Google Volume (GV): 3.3K – Monthly searches on Google.

  • Traffic Potential (TP): 800 – Estimation of the potential traffic this keyword can bring if ranked at the top.

  • Cost Per Click (CPC): $3.00 – The estimated price for each click in paid advertising.

  • Parent Topic: Confidence coach.

  • Updated: 8 days ago.

b. Grief Coach

  • KD: 19 – Moderately competitive.

  • Volume: 450.

  • GV: 700.

  • TP: 300 – Potential traffic if properly targeted.

  • CPC: $0.90.

  • Parent Topic: Grief coaching.

c. Intuitive Life Coach

  • KD: 2 – Highly accessible for ranking.

  • Volume: 300.

  • TP: 350 – Shows the keyword’s worth in driving traffic.

  • CPC: $1.50.

  • Parent Topic: Intuitive coaching.

d. Book Writing Coach

  • KD: 10 – Relatively easy, with a unique niche appeal.

  • Volume: 150.

  • TP: 1.4K – Indicates a high traffic potential, making it valuable despite the lower search volume.

  • CPC: $1.90.

e. Executive Communication Coach

  • KD: 4.

  • Volume: 150.

  • TP: 100 – While it has a lower traffic potential, its specificity can lead to high-quality leads.

  • CPC: $8.00 – A higher cost, signifying potential value or demand.

Grasping these metrics is fundamental in tailoring an effective SEO strategy, guiding you to choose the best SEO keywords for coaching that resonate with your services and potential clients.


1. What are keywords for coaching? Keywords for coaching are specific terms or phrases that individuals use in search engines when seeking coaching services. Examples choose keywords include “business coach near me,” “health coach for women,” or “life coaching techniques.”

2. What keywords are best for SEO? The best keywords for SEO are those that align with your business offerings, have a decent search volume, and are relevant to your target audience. It’s also essential to consider both short-tail (broad) and long-tail (specific) keywords for a balanced strategy.

3. Do coaches need SEO? Absolutely! In today’s digital age, SEO helps coaches reach a wider audience, establish online authority, and attract potential clients organically.

4. What is SEO coaching? SEO coaching involves guiding individuals or businesses on how to optimize their online presence for search engines. An SEO coach provides expertise, strategies, and actionable steps to improve website ranking and visibility in search results.

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